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Description Naxos has always been known to archaeologists, historians, students of folklore and all those who, wherever they may find themselves, are capable of discovering places of beauty and magic. Yet to the thousands of tourists from Greece and abroad who flock to the island in the summer, Naxos has always been and remains pretty & ΜINOR CYCLADES much undiscovered. This applies even to quite a number of the islanders themselves, who, tied down by the routine of daily life in the provinces, do not have the time to explore the byways of their homeland so as to appreciate it better. If you really want to get to know Naxos, you will have to be prepared to move around, to go beyond the familiar roads in the vicinity of Hora (as the main town is traditionally called in all the islands) and enter the heart of Naxos. That means passing through the Door of Gyalos (seashore), which leads to the old market, the Castle Gate which is the portal of Marco Sanudo’s mediaeval town and, above all, leaving Hora behind you altogether to explore the rest of the island.
ISBN 978-960-540-952-4
Format Adobe DRM protected
Year 2008
Original Language
Pages 144


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