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Michigan ECPE (C2) 12 complete Practice Tests - Student's book (revised edition) (e-book / pdf)

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12 complete practice tests that provide extensive practice in the revised (2021 format) ECCE exam!

The Student’s book contains:
- 12 complete tests
- An introduction with information about the ECCE exam providing a detailed description of each section of the examination
- 12 full-color speaking tests
- Model writing samples
- Glossary with definitions and examples
- Sample answer sheets

The Teacher’s book contains:
- 12 complete tests with overprinted answers
- An introduction with information about the ECCE exam providing a detailed description of each section of the examination
- 12 speaking tests
- Model writing samples
- Full listening transcripts
- Sample answer sheets

Components of the course:
- Student’s book
- Teacher’s book (overprinted)
- Free downloadable audio files

Year 2021
ISBN 978-960-16-9646-1


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